Acupuncture can help with this too!


Didn’t see a page devoted to your concerns? We might still be able to help! We see a lot of paitents for the following additional concerns:

  • Headaches (migraines, menstrual migraines, tension headaches, etc).

  • Jaw Pain (we have advanced training to address all muscles associated with jaw discomfort, including pressure point release inside the mouth and motor point release of external muscles).

  • Musculo-skeletal pain (the top reason people seek out acupuncture!)

  • Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD (we can’t take it away but we can help regulate your hormones and protect your body from these concerns)

  • Insomnia (and we don’t just mean during your acu-nap. If you know, you know…!)

  • Blah, yuck, and “something feels off but all my labs look fine.” We got ya!