Women’s Health


PCOS & Endometriosis

Hey Cyster and Endo Warrior, you are AMAZING. PCOS, irregular or missing cycles, inability to lose weight, sugar cravings, and oh-my-gosh the plucking… we got you girl. And if you’re an Endo Warrior, ouch. Our hearts ache for you. These conditions are common and miserably pushed under the rug. Or even if they are acknowledged, treatment options seem to be on two ends of the spectrum- absolutely nothing or the whole enchilada (sometimes a hysterectomy is a blessing, but maybe not for you?). There is hope. There is a middle ground.

What might help? Acupuncture, herbal medicine, DUTCH hormone testing, functional nutrition, yoni steaming.


Okay, suuuuuure, menopause is “normal,” but that doesn’t necessarily make it fun. Those hormones are starting to decrease and it’s not always the most pleasant experience. Suddenly sweating through your shirt mid lunch date or feeling like a rotisserie chicken in the middle of the night has become commonplace. If you’ve got the hot flashes, the night sweats, or even the dryness (you know the dryness we’re talking about…), we can help!

What might help? Acupuncture, herbal medicine, functional nutrition, yoni steaming.

Girl Stuff- PMS, PMDD, Menstrual Migraines, etc.

Let’s be honest, being a girl can be hard! We’re your team if you’re struggling with painful menstruation, missing or ever-present periods, irregular cycles, breast tenderness, BV, reoccurring yeast infections, reoccurring bladder infections, dryness, and basically many of those things that are miserable to talk about and even more miserable to actually experience. Being a girl is GREAT, but sometimes it’s rough!

What might help? Acupuncture, herbal medicine, functional nutrition, DUTCH hormone testing, lymphatic massage, yoni steaming.