Natural Conception

Sometimes growing a family is easy… but sometimes it unfortunately is not. Whether you are thinking ahead, just beginning, or even years into trying, the team at Balanced Thistle would be honored to help you grow your family. We can help our patients with tracking and confirming fertile windows, basic or advanced preconception lab work, nutritional and lifestyle optimization for fertility, and navigating both known and “unknown” concerns in regards to pconception.

IVF or IUI Support

Research shows that pairing IUI or IVF with acupuncture can increase the success rate by 40-60%! Whoa. That’s a lot! We can help you in the thick of it, as you’re going through the process. It’s also great to start early and help you optimize sperm and egg quality for improved retrieval outcomes and to soothe a little of the stress that comes with this process. If IVF or IUI are part of your parenting journey, acupuncture can help you to achieve this dream.

PCOS and Endometriosis

These are simply all too common. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Endometriosis are very common concerns treated at Balanced Thistle. These conditions can make conception extra hard, or maybe even feel impossible. But they can also both be responsive to lifestyle change and holistic medicine! PCOS has four root causes, and endo isn’t just a hormonal disorder- it’s a systemic and chronic inflammatory disease. If you’re tired of being told to just take the pill, ESPECIALLY if you’re trying to conceive, lets dig deep, find the root, and impact change.

Reoccurring Loss

Mama’s who know, know. Getting pregnant and staying pregnant are, unfortunately, two very different things. Things that might contribute to reoccurring loss include hypo functioning thyroid, low progesterone, autoimmunity, poor sperm quality, and more. We’ll look at it from both a Chinese and Western medicine perspective to help you communicate with your OB about your concerns and risks. We’ll do our best to help identify and address any issues that might be contributing to this repeated heartbreak and help you achieve a happier ending.

Prenatal Care

We can be both super grateful to be pregnant, and pretty dang uncomfortable when it happens. First trimester, when Mama is often still hiding the news, nervous, and feeling junky, there isn’t a lot of support. We love working with Mama’s through the nausea, anxiety, and uncertainty of first trimester and then carrying on through the excitement of second and third! We support Mama and her concerns, as well as utilize a very old, traditional combination of points known as the “Happy Baby” treatment to nourish your little one! You don’t want to miss this!

Postpartum Care

You just had a baby, CONGRATULATIONS! But jeeeeze, what a life changing event and then what, no follow-up for six weeks?! In the meanwhile you’re navigating sleepless nights, painful nips, supply concerns, possibly some postpartum blues, and maybe even hemorrhoids! We got ya, Mama. Recovery in fourth trimester is sooooo important for both Mama and Baby. The concept that “all that matters is a healthy baby” is not enough. A healthy baby needs healthy Mama! If you can’t get away from baby for an appointment, call us and schedule a time to bring Baby with! This team of Mama’s will happily hang with your lil’ cutie while you rest!


  1. Women who went through acupuncture and lifestyle changes got pregnant in half the time compared to women who made lifestyle changes alone (Article Link)

  2. Acupuncture improves ovarian function, restores hormone regularity and interactivity, and promotes embryo implantation (Article Link)

  3. Acupuncture before and after IVF transfer increased success rates and lowered anxiety (Article Link)

  4. The acupuncture group had a 70% success rate with IVF while the non-acupuncture group had a 25% success rate (Article Link)

  5. Acupuncture was 42% more effective to increase live births when women had a previously failed IVF cycle (Article Link)

  6. Acupuncture can help to improve clinical symptoms of PCOS- regulate endocrine levels, promote ovulation and pregnancy, reduce PCOS symptoms, and improve the rate of high quality embryo’s (Article Link)

  7. Acupuncture was closely associated with the down-regulation of LH and testosterone levels as well as the recovery of menstrual periods (Article Link)

  8. Acupuncture for endometriosis demonstrated beneficial in reducing the severity of menstrual pain and overall pelvic pain when compared to other methods (Article Link)