Fall and TCM

Fall in Chinese Medicine
The season of fall in Chinese medicine is linked to the metal element and the Lungs and Large Intestine in Chinese medicine. As such, it is an especially important time to focus on Lung health, immunity, and digestion. 

As we shift from longer and hotter days to shorter days and cooler weather, it’s appropriate to switch to more warm foods and beverages to keep our digestive function strong. Warming foods help to increase blood flow and optimize digestion and nutrient absorption, and as the weather gets cooler it becomes even more important to include warm and cooked foods in your diet. As the days become shorter, it’s also important to match our sleep/ wake cycles to the changing season, which means retiring a bit earlier than in summer and waking a bit earlier as well. 

The metal element, and the season of fall, is also very much a time of “letting go” and is often associated with structure and organization. Therefore, fall is an excellent time to clear out old things in your house, your life, or letting go of any past emotions that no longer serve you. The metal element and the lungs are associated with grief, however, letting go of any old and lingering emotions will be especially beneficial in autumn. 

One facet of Chinese medicine is feng shui- which is the study of how your environment impacts you (mentally, physically, and emotionally). Through the lens of feng shui, we know that clutter around the house or in our life affects our health and can cause mental clutter, emotional clutter, so it is a great time for clearing away old things and getting organized. 

In Chinese medicine, the Lung organ is paired with the Large Intestine, which has the main function of “letting go” and releasing the waste products of digestion. Therefore, constipation and Lung issues such as allergies or even skin issues can manifest in autumn- so it’s an especially good time to work these particular health issues out. 

Keep digestion strong by trading raw salads and fruits for poached fruits, and baked, boiled, steamed, or braised meals. Also- be sure to swap out cold morning drinks for a warming beverage like hot chai, hot ginger tea, oolong tea, etc. This will help keep you feeling healthy and energized. Spicy foods, in particular, can be beneficial for keeping the lungs clear- so include spices like cinnamon, clove, ginger, black pepper, cayenne, nutmeg, and thyme. Just as horseradish can help to clear out the sinuses and nasal cavities, the spicy flavor helps to promote water metabolism and clear out phlegm and mucous from the lungs. Just be sure to stay hydrated, as autumn tends to be a drier season. 

If you are wanting to keep your immunity high, start first with a good sleep routine, proper nutrition and warm foods, and finding ways to reduce stress. We are here to help with the rest!

Blog written by Samantha Kloss, L.Ac.