Acupuncture for Labor and Birth Preparation

The weeks leading up to labor and birth can be a very special and emotional time for mamas and their partners. They may be savoring the last few weeks of having undivided attention for one another or enjoying being a mama to one babe before they bring their next into the world. These weeks give women a chance to not only prepare themselves mentally for labor/birth and the transition into a growing family but also to prepare themselves physically for all the excitement that is to come. 

For many women, regular acupuncture treatments in the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy play an important role in their preparation for birth. 

Any patient who has come in for treatments, knows that their acupuncturist diagnoses them with a Chinese medicine pattern. These patterns usually have names like “Liver Qi Stagnation,” “Yin Deficiency,” “Spleen Qi Deficiency,” etc.  These patterns present with symptoms in our daily lives, but they also show up during labor and birth. It’s our job, as your acupuncturist to help your body correct these patterns so that you go into labor feeling balanced and don’t encounter the issues that commonly arise from these patterns. For example, someone with a dampness pattern tends to feel exhausted during labor and has a hard time getting out of bed to move around. We all know that sometime babies need us to be upright and moving around to help encourage their decent during labor. Patients who tend to have more yin and blood deficiency can have irregular contractions that don’t progress smoothly and have trouble with cervical dilation. No mama wants to be in labor longer than necessary to bring their sweet babe into this world; this where acupuncture helps us to shine! 

One of the most common things that brings mamas in to try acupuncture for the first time during pregnancy is finding out their baby is in a breech position. It’s hard to find a doctor that’s willing to vaginally deliver a breech baby, so this leaves many women trying everything to encourage the baby to turn or preparing for a cesarean delivery. We know its scary when your birth plan looks like it’s going to suddenly change, but don’t worry- we’ve got you!! Our trusty friend MOXA is a tremendous tool in encouraging the baby to find it’s ideal birthing position. We use moxibustion on the point BL67 (the edge of the pinky toe) in addition to a treatment that is targeting your specific acupuncture patterns to help create the ideal opportunity for the baby to make the flip. The sooner we can do this treatment, the better! If you know your baby is breech at 32 weeks- that’s a perfect time to make your appointment. It’s most effective before 36 weeks when the baby is a little smaller, but we’ve seen babies flip all the way up to 40 weeks! Acupuncture and moxibustion is done in the clinic, and you are sent home with a small moxa stick to use daily at home until you know the baby has flipped. 

Many women choose to use acupuncture to try to avoid induction. Acupuncture has been shown to aid in cervical ripening and reduce the amount of time between the expected due date and actual delivery date. Many women will start to feel an increase in contractions in the hours following acupuncture. But don’t worry, we’ve never had anyone go into labor on the table!! 

Acupuncture, and more commonly acupressure, is used during labor as well. It’s been shown to reduce labor pain! Isn’t this medicine amazing!?! As part of the treatment in those final weeks, we make a point to show patients some tips and tricks that they and their support team can use during labor to help move things along. We’ll demonstrate the techniques on the mama (sometimes she brings her partner with her) and they both have a chance to learn which acupuncture points will help comfort her during labor. This is so valuable and can be easily incorporated as part of a massage during labor or in those final days leading up to it.

It is recommended that pregnant mamas use acupuncture 1-2 times per week from 36 weeks until the due date to help the baby find its ideal position, reduce stress, correct Chinese medicine patterns, and help to prepare the body for labor and birth. Mamas tell us that they love having this time to enjoy some quiet moments, take a nap, and relax on the table while they connect with their baby and prepare to do the hard work together that will bring that babe earthside! 

Have you used acupuncture to help prepare for labor and birth? Comment below and let us know about your experience! Have questions? Call or schedule an appointment to find out more about acupuncture for birth preparation. 

Written by Sara Bates, LAc