Hormones and Weight Loss

Hormones and Weight Loss

We see you. You’re fully motivated to lose weight, you’re watching what you eat, calorie and macro counting, and putting in the time with the cardio and weights.

However, you’re left feeling tired, drained, and feeling even further from your goals than when you started. Instead of ideally losing weight, you might be plateauing or even gaining weight, despite feeling like you’re doing everything right. This is a truly frustrating experience that affects lots of women.

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Spring According to Chinese Medicine

Spring According to Chinese Medicine

As the first day of spring nears, we will shift from a time of stillness and rest to a time of growth. This may not make sense to or busy modern lives, where winter, or any time of the year for that matter is rarely considered a time for slowing down. However, according to Chinese medicine, we are a part of nature and thus, must learn to take cues from nature in order to feel and function at our best.

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Toxin Exposure in Cosmetics

Toxin Exposure in Cosmetics

Many more people are starting to question what we eat and how it may impact our health, the health of future generations, as well as the environment. However, the question of what we are putting directly on our skin and scalp every day is also one worth exploring, as the skin is our largest organ and another potential avenue of toxin absorption. The CDC states, “Dermal absorption is the transport of a chemical from the outer surface of the skin both into the skin and into the body.” If a chemical successfully penetrates through to most superficial layers of the skin, it therefore has the potential to enter our bloodstream and cause systemic damage or toxicity away from the site of entry.

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Chinese Medicine Nutrition at a Glance

Chinese Medicine Nutrition at a Glance

If you know much about Chinese medicine, you know that “food as medicine” is not a trendy new ideology, but rather an integral principle of Eastern medicine that has existed for thousands of years. In fact, there has never been a hard and fast line differentiating that which was considered to be food or medicine. Many of the herbs we use in Chinese medicine are food products and we can often find them in grocery stores.

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Fad Diets- The Pros and the Cons

Fad Diets- The Pros and the Cons

Food…. What the Heck Should I Eat? That is actually the name of a FANTASTIC book by Dr. Mark Hyman that we frequently recommend to patients looking to pursue healthier eating habits. While we adamantly believe there is no one single diet that is perfect for every human on this planet, Dr. Hyman’s extensive career in nutrition and Functional Medicine has resulted in an abundant amount of research into healthy eating, food quality, and even the political infrastructure of the food industry in the United States. Keeping up with every new diet our society touts as the next best thing is challenging to say the least. Which pattern do you pick to lose weight or stay healthy? Fad diets come and go so frequently it seems as though by the time you learn all about your latest choice, suddenly there is a new, better, and more effective option.

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What is Gua Sha?

What is Gua Sha?

Gua Sha- The term and technique have been around for thousands of years, although its popularity is just recently coming to the forefront of the health and beauty industry. But what is it? Practitioners believe that gua sha releases unhealthy bodily matter from blood stasis within sore, tired, stiff or injured muscle areas to stimulate new oxygenated blood flow to the areas, thus promoting metabolic cell repair, regeneration, healing and recovery.”

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Breast Health & Products

Breast Health & Products

As October is breast health month, we wanted to give you the low down about self-breast exams and some breast health products we know and love.

Self-breast exams are something every woman should be informed about. Some masses are so small that they will only be detected via regular mammograms or ultrasounds, but checking yourself at home and knowing what to look for is an equally important tool when it comes to non-invasive preventative health measures…

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Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month

Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month

Today I’ve decided to talk a little bit about miscarriage. Why? Let’s bring a little awareness into this small corner of our world. Let’s talk about something many women still don’t discuss to this day. I understand there are many possible reasons behind the silence- grief, shame, hurt, disbelief- whatever it may be, every woman who chooses to be quiet has her reasons. Just as every woman who chooses to talk about it also has her reasons.

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