First and Fourth Trimester

Pregnancy is a unique period of time in a woman’s life and even if it’s not her first baby, often times the experience from pregnancy to pregnancy is quite different. One of the things we encounter in clinic that can be disheartening is when our mama’s express to us that they feel lost, confused, or unsupported by their medical team. Of course this isn’t always the case, but it isn’t uncommon for a mama to express gratitude for the prenatal support we’re able to offer because she simply felt she wasn’t given this level of guidance elsewhere.

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Common Birth Control Misconceptions

Common Birth Control Misconceptions

Taking birth control for period pain or other menstrual and hormonal issues is about as ubiquitous as taking tums for a stomach ache. It is commonly prescribed not just to prevent contraception, but often for irregular cycles, painful menstruation, heavy bleeding, migraines, and even acne. While many women are told to take birth control to “regulate their cycle and/or hormones” this is a common misconception and a bit of a misleading statement.

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Endometriosis vs. PCOS

Endometriosis vs. PCOS

We thought it was time to talk about some of the issues that women face with menstruation, whether or not they’re trying to conceive. Two of the most common menstrual disorders that acupuncturists treat around the globe include Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (known as PCOS). One of the important things to note as a clinician and patient when it comes to these two conditions is that they are very, very different.

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Jaw Tension & Our New Jaw Massage Service

Jaw Tension & Our New Jaw Massage Service

How often do you hold in what you would really like to say? This all affects our jaw muscles. When tense, these effects have a trickling effect. It may cause headaches, neck tension, trouble eating and or sleeping. These are just a few. It houses many unseen imbalances; visually, it holds stagnation in the skin and prohibits proper lymphatic movement. The trickle-down effect is the muscles in the neck carry the burden and literally can pull down our face and change the shape.

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Yoni Steaming Part 2 - Why You Don’t Steam At Home

Yoni Steaming Part 2 - Why You Don’t Steam At Home

We’ve officially seen yoni steaming sets being sold on Urban, which must mean it is officially a new trend. It’s no surprise that it’s gaining in popularity, as we talked about in our previous post, yoni steaming can provide numerous benefits to women’s health. Our western culture is certainly catching on to several traditional medicine techniques that have survived the test of time and are very beneficial, especially for our girly bits.

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Yoni Steaming Part 1 - What is Yoni Steaming?

Yoni Steaming Part 1 - What is Yoni Steaming?

Have you heard of yoni steaming? Unless you grew up going to Korean spas, it is most likely something you aren’t totally familiar with. It isn’t very popular here in the States- but has long been a traditional healing practice used by several cultures around the globe.

Yoni steaming, or vaginal steaming, is a method of delivering medicine via steam to the vagina, perineum, and womb. A woman sits on a stool, or a chair, and underneath lies a steaming pot of herbs. Often, a sheet is placed around the lower half of the waist for draping purposes and to lock in the steam.

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Chiropractic Prenatal Care

Chiropractic Prenatal Care

You might have noticed that chiropractic care is becoming an important part of birth preparation for many pregnant women these days. These women are realizing the benefits of regular chiropractic adjustments as they prepare for safer, easier birthing for both themselves and their babies. Chiropractors have actually cared for pregnant women for many years. Recently, however, with the increased interest in natural birthing, and in an effort to avoid having a C-section, a growing number of mothers have incorporated chiropractic into their prenatal care.

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Prenatal Nutrition

Prenatal Nutrition

It’s time to chat on something that comes up in clinic a lot- prenatal nutrition! We work with a lot of mama’s through their fertility journey, and one of the best feelings in the world is transitioning that patient from a fertility patient to a prenatal care plan. Both of these require nutritional education. BOTH of them! Meaning not only is hormone targeted nutrition a valuable tool while TTC, but prenatal targeted nutrition can help ease your pregnancy and nourish your little one!

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