Kayla's Why

Kayla's Why

Hi! I am so excited and honored to be a part of the Balanced Thistle family + community and would love to share with you a bit about why I became an esthetician, specifically a holistic esthetician. I’ve said this before, but I know in my heart that I manifested to where I am today. I’ll never forget the day I was in for an acupuncture appointment with Dr. Meghan and I confessed that I was planning on quitting my current job to go back to school to become an esthetician. It wasn’t until I moved to Colorado 8 years ago that I started to have skin issues and sought out holistic alternatives to address my hormonal acne. It was the best decision I made because it led me to where I am today.

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Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal Dryness

Yoni steaming has been used in many cultures and for thousands of years, yet it’s still a medicine that isn’t widely accepted in our modern world. It’s everyday practice in parts of Asia, Africa, and South America, and was an important element of women’s health in Mayan and Native American cultures, but if you talk about it you might be automatically considered a little weird! The practice is used for a variety of reasons, but most popular around the world for postpartum recovery. We have a handful of reasons we offer it at Balanced Thistle, but the popularity of using it for a few certain things overwhelms its other callings.

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Winter + TCM

Winter + TCM

From a Chinese medicine perspective winter is a time for rest and rejuvenation. If you notice yourself getting particularly tired when the sun goes down, that’s because your hormones are changing to match the seasons. This is also the time of year where you shouldn’t feel too bad about sleeping in. Rest is the key during wintertime, so don’t be afraid to go to bed slightly earlier and sleep in a little more than usual. In Chinese medicine, winter is a time when “yang” energy is at its lowest, so it’s good to conserve our energy and rest more than usual. “Yang” energy is also what helps us to warm our bodies and extremities, so be sure to tell your acupuncturist if you are feeling especially cold or if you have low back pain, knee pain, or frequent urination as well.

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Sperm Health

Sperm Health

A common misconception is that women’s infertility accounts for the majority of infertility cases. In fact, male infertility accounts for roughly 30% of infertility cases. We’ve seen declining sperm health over the past many decades, but we’ve also become more clear on some factors that are shown to improve sperm health. There’s a lot that can be done to improve fertility and in men - let's discuss some of the most beneficial lifestyle modifications to positively influence sperm health and male fertility.

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